Robert Saunders Teacher - What is teaching?

Robert Saunders Teacher - What is teaching?

Robert Saunders Teacher Teaching refers to the transmission of knowledge, values ​​and ideas between people. Although this action is usually related only to certain academic fields. It should be noted that it is not the only means of learning.

Other institutions can be mentioned. Such as religious or clubs and also outside of them, be it with family. Cultural activities, with friends. In the latter cases, teaching ceases to be strictly planned. to take a much more improvised form. However this does not mean that it cannot have far-reaching effects. On the person receiving the teachings.

Robert Saunders Teacher Queensland - What are your methods and techniques?

In the case of teaching in a much more programmed way. With a specific purpose, the methods and techniques used are very diverse. Throughout history, many teaching methods have been developed from different theoretical frameworks.

Some, for example, suggest very strict strategies. where there is a specific methodology and steps to follow. This type of teaching has been abandoned by many educators. To take somewhat more flexible positions. Since they consider that their function is to guide their students. So that they acquire knowledge.

They understand that it is important to adapt to the circumstances. And groups with which you work, not all are the same, nor do they have the same needs or interests.
For this reason, the emphasis is not only on the contents, but on the way they are transmitted.

There are those who speak of adapting to the same demands, rhythm and desires of the students. On the other hand. present options to students so that they themselves can propose content. To be transmitted and the methods that will be used.

Teaching techniques can be very varied, for example one is that of "interrogation". Where knowledge is presented from questions. So that the same students reflect and raise their previous knowledge.

Robert Saunders Teacher - In addition, it usually generates a lot of interest in them. On the other hand. There are expository techniques, these are usually dictated by the same teachers. Or people who know the subject to be treated in depth. It can be stimulated or guided by the question of those interested in learning.


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