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Robert Saunders teacher qld What promotes a teacher?

Robert  Saunders teacher qld What promotes a teacher? Robert lee Saunders teacher Australia Promotes learning through intelligent, open-ended questions and encourages students to question each other.  If teachers ask students to get only one correct answer, then we are limiting them. Complex and intelligent questions challenge students to investigate beyond what is apparent, to go deeper, to look for new answers. Real problems are rarely one-dimensional and therefore the student must always look for more than one answer. Seek that the students elaborate their initial answers. The initial answers are an engine that stimulates students to structure and reconceptualize. Robert  Saunders teacher Australia Engage students in experiences that may engender contradictions to their initial hypotheses and then encourage discussion. In this way, it allows students to learn from their own mistakes and reformulate their perspectives. Give "a time out" after asking questions. This ti

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